Geantraí – An Ghlúin Úr
On Sunday, March 16th 21:30, TG4 will premiere Geantraí- An Ghlúin Úr. Filmed during Galway Tradfest, featuring over 200 young musicians
Music Generation Kilkenny has announced an exciting line up of musical activities as part of its programming this spring, including a brand new creative music hub and uilleann pipes taster sessions for young people across the county.
CREATIVE MUSIC SPACE, in partnership with Foróige
First up in the programme of activities is the Creative Music Space, a hub for young people who want to learn an instrument or explore their singing skills in a group setting, run in partnership with Foróige. From 5 March to 4 June, young musicians will have the opportunity to participate in small group tuition on drum kit, guitar, ukulele and vocals on Thursday evenings in the DRUM Youth Centre.
Commenting on the upcoming music hub, Kilkenny native and Music Generation Kilkenny Development Officer Sinéad Blanchfield, said: ‘I’m really looking forward to launching the Creative Music Space in partnership with Foróige. It will be a wonderful space where young people can come together in a fun environment to make new friends and be creative with music.’
You can register your interest in the Creative Music Space by emailing musicgenerationkilkenny@kcetb.ie
A registration evening will take place on 27 February at the DRUM Youth Centre from 6-8pm.
TRY THE PIPES, as part of Kilkenny St. Patrick’s Day Festival
Also on Music Generation Kilkenny’s upcoming programme of event is ‘Try the Pipes,’ a free Uilleann Pipes taster session for young people as part of the Kilkenny St. Patrick's Day Festivities, in partnership with Na Píobairí Uilleann, Kilkenny and Carlow Education and Training Board and Kilkenny County Council. In addition to the taster sessions there will be Uilleann Pipes classes for beginners and intermediate/advanced players from 10 to 18 years of age. Classes will be taught by local piper Pádraig Butler of the Kilkenny Uilleann Pipers Club and by Nollaig Mac Cárthaigh of Na Píobairí Uilleann, an organisation dedicated to the promotion of Uilleann Piping throughout the world.
In December 2017, UNESCO recognised Uilleann Piping as an important and unique symbol of cultural heritage by the inclusion of piping in their Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This important global accolade reflects heritage cultural practices that are considered to enrich all of humanity.
In advance of the forthcoming sessions and classes, Sinéad said: ‘You can be a complete beginner on uilleann pipes or already have some experience in playing the instrument. ‘Try the Pipes’ is open to young people from ages 10 to 18 and uilleann pipes will be provided on the day.’
‘Try the Pipes’ is free but booking is essential. Register at www.stpatricksfestivalkilkenny.com
Music Generation Kilkenny is part of Ireland’s national music education programme, initiated by Music Network and co-funded by U2, The Ireland Funds, the Department of Education and Skills and Local Music Education Partnerships. The programme seeks to transform the lives of children and young people ages 0-18 by creating access to high quality, affordable music tuition in their localities.
Kilkenny was selected for participation in the programme through a competitive application process in 2017, led by Kilkenny and Carlow Education and Training Board in partnership with Kilkenny County Council. Sinéad was appointed to the post of Music Generation Development Officer in 2019, in order to manage overall development and implementation of the programme across the county. Following an initial planning and development phase, Music Generation Kilkenny commenced its first singing programmes in primary schools in Castlecomer and Thomastown in September 2019, with further expansion now happening in 2020. This includes an after school music hub planned for the young people of Abbey Community College, Ferrybank, who will have the chance to learn drum kit, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, bass and vocals.
To find out more about these opportunities contact Sinead Blanchfield, Music Generation Development Officer: musicgenerationkilkenny@kcetb.ie / 056 778 6896.
On Sunday, March 16th 21:30, TG4 will premiere Geantraí- An Ghlúin Úr. Filmed during Galway Tradfest, featuring over 200 young musicians
Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona dhaoibh!
On World Children’s Day on November 20th we’re inviting young musicians to share their favourite musical moment from We are Music Generation 2024!
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