Geantraí – An Ghlúin Úr
On Sunday, March 16th 21:30, TG4 will premiere Geantraí- An Ghlúin Úr. Filmed during Galway Tradfest, featuring over 200 young musicians
Internship Opportunity: Programme Co-ordinator
Music Generation Sligo is offering an excellent opportunity for an intern in the area of music education for young people. The intern will gain practical experience in:
Applicants can be downloaded from http://www.jobbridge.ie/internapplication.aspx
Complete and send by email to: rmcgrath@sligovec.ie or Post to: Rhona McGrath, Co-ordinator, Music Generation, Sligo VEC, Quay Street, Sligo.
Closing Date Wed 24 July 2013.
On Sunday, March 16th 21:30, TG4 will premiere Geantraí- An Ghlúin Úr. Filmed during Galway Tradfest, featuring over 200 young musicians
Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona dhaoibh!
On World Children’s Day on November 20th we’re inviting young musicians to share their favourite musical moment from We are Music Generation 2024!
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