Geantraí – An Ghlúin Úr
On Sunday, March 16th 21:30, TG4 will premiere Geantraí- An Ghlúin Úr. Filmed during Galway Tradfest, featuring over 200 young musicians
Music Generation Mayo is delighted to offer financial assistance, in the form of a bursary scheme to exceptional music students residing in Co.Mayo aged 10-18 years. Bursaries will be made available to defray the costs of accessing recognised expert music tuition or purchasing a musical instrument.
An independent board with the appropriate expertise is in place and applicants will be assessed based on completed application forms, supporting material and on their musical ability during an audition. Successful applicants will be invited to attend a ceremony at which they will be awarded their bursary status.
If you would like to apply please download the application form and detailed information here.
The deadline for applications is 12pm Monday November 11th, 2013. Late or incomplete applications cannot be considered.
Who can apply?
Students with exceptional ability within the age range 10-18 years inclusive may apply. (Note: you must be no more than 18 years of age and no less than 10 years of age on 30/06/2014)
These bursaries will be awarded on a competition basis, to students who have already acquired an excellent standard in instrumental/vocal music performance in any genre, which you must demonstrate in your application, supporting material and during an audition with an Independent Board.
What can you apply for?
Music Generation Mayo wishes to establish bursaries for:
A. Defraying the cost of recognised expert tuition for exceptional students. This may include attendance at on-going tuition programmes, summer schools, masterclasses, training workshops, revision programmes etc.
B. Defraying the cost of purchasing a musical instrument.
Please note individuals may only apply for option A or B above and not both.
What is it worth?
These are once-off bursaries and the value of the bursary awarded may vary but the maximum amount that any successful applicant will receive is 50% of the total cost of a tuition opportunity or 50% of the total purchase price of an instrument, to a limit of €2,500.
Who will decide?
An Independent Board, with the appropriate expertise, is in place. The Board’s function is to oversee the process and assess the qualifying applicants. Their decision will be final.
Awarding Ceremony
The successful applicants will attend a ceremony at which they will be awarded their bursary status. Successful applicants will be required to perform at this ceremony and be present for a photo call. The awards ceremony will take place in Castlebar on Thursday December 12th in the evening, venue and time to be confirmed.
On Sunday, March 16th 21:30, TG4 will premiere Geantraí- An Ghlúin Úr. Filmed during Galway Tradfest, featuring over 200 young musicians
Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona dhaoibh!
On World Children’s Day on November 20th we’re inviting young musicians to share their favourite musical moment from We are Music Generation 2024!
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