Music Generation Wicklow is pround to announce the following two opportunities for musicians and young people:
1. New Notes Now!
Music Generation Wicklow New Notes Now! is an exciting opportunity for ensemble/music groups throughout County Wicklow. Through the New Notes Now! Project, young musicians will have a unique chance to work with a composer/songwriter across a 12 month period on the creation of a new piece of music/songs. Within a series of regular workshops, leading Irish composers/songwriters will share their musical expertise with the selected ensembles/music groups. The selected ensembles/music groups will premiere this new piece of music in a public concert, at the end of the project.
For queries in relation to the information evenings and/or the New Notes Now! project contact: Karen Hennessy at the Contemporary Music Centre 01 6731922 or
2. Music Capital Scheme
Music Generation Wicklow’s Music Capital Scheme is for ensembles, school bands, youth groups/clubs, music schools to support the inclusion of children and young people access music instrumental tuition in their local area. The criteria for the scheme is simple, applicant groups must evidence a need for the instruments and how young people will use them and how the applicant groups will provide young people with support for learning. Music Generation Wicklow will assess applications and provide 70% of the music instrument capital purchase cost. The applicant must provide 30% of the cost on a match funding basis. Instruments can be from any music genre, from traditional music, to rock music, world music and/or classical music. Children and young people using the instruments must be under 18 years of age.
For queries in relation to the Music Capital Scheme contact or 087 6172490.
Public Information Sessions
If you are interested in making an application to either scheme we have public information sessions scheduled throughout the county as follows:
16 September 4pm – Bray St Thomas Community College Novara Avenue
16 September 8pm – Hollywood Parish Hall
18 September 4pm – Arklow Áras Lorcáin
18 September 8pm – The Grand Hotel Wicklow Town
Both programmes are being managed by Wicklow County Council on behalf of Music Generation Wicklow. Please return applications to:
MGW Applications
Arts Office
Wicklow County Council
County Buildings
Station Road
Wicklow Town
County Wicklow
Closing date for receipt of applications is Friday September 27th at 12 noon. Emailed applications will not be accepted. The application must also be received and dated by Wicklow County Council. Late and or incomplete applications will similarly not be accepted.
1. New Notes Now!
Music Generation Wicklow New Notes Now! is an exciting opportunity for ensemble/music groups throughout County Wicklow. Through the New Notes Now! Project, young musicians will have a unique chance to work with a composer/songwriter across a 12 month period on the creation of a new piece of music/songs. Within a series of regular workshops, leading Irish composers/songwriters will share their musical expertise with the selected ensembles/music groups. The selected ensembles/music groups will premiere this new piece of music in a public concert, at the end of the project.
For queries in relation to the information evenings and/or the New Notes Now! project contact: Karen Hennessy at the Contemporary Music Centre 01 6731922 or
2. Music Capital Scheme
Music Generation Wicklow’s Music Capital Scheme is for ensembles, school bands, youth groups/clubs, music schools to support the inclusion of children and young people access music instrumental tuition in their local area. The criteria for the scheme is simple, applicant groups must evidence a need for the instruments and how young people will use them and how the applicant groups will provide young people with support for learning. Music Generation Wicklow will assess applications and provide 70% of the music instrument capital purchase cost. The applicant must provide 30% of the cost on a match funding basis. Instruments can be from any music genre, from traditional music, to rock music, world music and/or classical music. Children and young people using the instruments must be under 18 years of age.
For queries in relation to the Music Capital Scheme contact or 087 6172490.
Public Information Sessions
If you are interested in making an application to either scheme we have public information sessions scheduled throughout the county as follows:
16 September 4pm – Bray St Thomas Community College Novara Avenue
16 September 8pm – Hollywood Parish Hall
18 September 4pm – Arklow Áras Lorcáin
18 September 8pm – The Grand Hotel Wicklow Town
Both programmes are being managed by Wicklow County Council on behalf of Music Generation Wicklow. Please return applications to:
MGW Applications
Arts Office
Wicklow County Council
County Buildings
Station Road
Wicklow Town
County Wicklow
Closing date for receipt of applications is Friday September 27th at 12 noon. Emailed applications will not be accepted. The application must also be received and dated by Wicklow County Council. Late and or incomplete applications will similarly not be accepted.