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Music Workshops with Acclaimed Irish Jazz Band Thought-Fox

Thought fox
Music Generation Cork City are proud to present workshop opportunities for young people, run by accliamed Irish Jazz band Thought-Fox. Though-Fox, Winner of the Music Network's Young Musicwide Award for 2010-2013, is led by Lauren Kinsella, one of the freshest voices on the Irish and International jazz scenes.

The workshops will be held on Monday the 16th of September and times are as follows:

11:30 - 1:30 Jazz quintet Thought-Fox will facilitate a workshop with students from the Knocknaheeny Youth Music Intiative
Venue: Cork Academy of Music, North Monastery Campus

16:00 - 17:30 Singer Lauren Kinsella will facilitate a vocal workshop with students of Terence MacSwiney Community College
Venue: Terence MacSwiney Community College, Knocknaheeny

For more details, please contact:
Mags O'Sullivan, Co-ordinator, Music Generation Cork City
T: 021 4273377

Presented by Music Generation Cork City in partnership with Music Network.