As we prepare to go forth into our new season of programming, Music Generation has taken a moment to look back on some of the most inspiring moments throughout what were some very extraordinary times.
The turbulent 2020, with all its obstacles, was a steep learning curve for Music Generation. The hard work, creativity, innovation and tremendous efforts led by Music Generation teams across Ireland and of course by the children, young people and parents, shaped so many new and unique musical moments. Through these efforts, children and young people could continue to develop their musical skills and of course ‘come together, apart’, embracing a much-needed sense of togetherness and community.
"it' s remarkable... and in that performance you see that sense of community and creativity that continued right through the shut down" Caitriona Fottrell, The Ireland Funds
Throughout 2020, over 4,000 pieces of digital content were created to support children and young people to make music, while music tuition, performances, composition and ensembles moved to the online sphere. Children and young people continued to participate and participation across the country continues to recover towards pre-pandemic levels. 41,708 participants took part in Music Generation programmes alone between September and December 2020 and 107 new programmes commenced.
Further information on our activity in 2020 is available in the Music Generation DAC Annual Report.
We’ve looked at some recent performances and programmes nationwide that came together through music.
The Irish Concertina Orchestra – Programming through a Pandemic

Music Generation Clare’s project to commence an Irish Concertina Orchestra (ICO), funded through the Creativity and Collaboration Fund faced challenges in 2020 in developing the programme for young concertina learners as it quickly had to redesign and replan its classes, workshops and celebratory performance. Music Generation Clare are now very proud to have produced the first ever concertina orchestra with learners travelling from Co. Clare and surrounding county’s such as Galway, Limerick, Tipperary and Cork. The ensemble meet weekly to learn and rehearse a new suite of music composed and arranged by Dr. Tim Collins. Expert musician educator’s on this programme include Dr. Tim Collins, Cillian King, Sinead Mulqueen and Conor O’Loughlin.
We’re very excited to catch the Music Generation Clare’s exclusive premiere of the ICO this Friday 9th July from 10am in partnership with Glór Theatre, Aldoc Productions, Clare County Council, The Arts Council and LCETB.
Music Generation Longford – Important Moments
Music Generation Longford in partnership with Longford Youth Service have continued their successful programmes bringing access to music to those in Direct Provision. The music programme with a Roma Youth group has grown significantly and offers local young people from this community to come together on a weekly basis to create, play, relax and feel the music. Read more about the local project.
Music Generation – Playing through a Pandemic
Finally, we want to say a thank you to all the Music Generation participants who’ve displayed their resilience and talent and while collaborating and coming together in digital classrooms across Ireland.
Music Generation is both fortunate and thankful to have the support of our valued partners : U2, The Ireland Funds, the Department of Education, Music Network, the Arts Council and the network of Local Music Education Partnerships in which Education and Training Boards and Local Authorities play a key role, and with whom we work closely in pursuit of our shared goal.